Frequently Asked Questions
In your first session, I will start to get to know you and will ask a lot of questions about various aspects of your life. This is also an opportunity for you to get to know me and to ask any questions that you may have. Some concerns are difficult to talk about with someone new and it’s ok to let me know if you’re not ready to discuss something.
No, you can bring along your existing referral. Medicare and Private Health insurance allows you to choose your own psychologist and so is not concerned about the name on the referral.
Not every psychologist is going to fit every client, and it’s important that you feel comfortable with the psychologist you choose so that you feel you can share what’s concerning you. Fit is the most important part of therapy. If you feel that the fit isn’t right, then I am more than happy to help you find someone who might be a better fit. The most important thing is that you land in the right place with the right therapist for you.
Similarly, I may not have experience in your area of concern (we are ethically required to work within our scope of competence). If this is the case, I will let you know in the first session and assist you in finding the psychologist with the right experience. -
This is different for each individual. Depending on your level of distress, treatment framework and your capacity to attend (both availability with your lifestyle and financial constraints) you may come weekly, fortnightly, monthly. Therapy needs to add to your capacity to cope and not provide additional stress, so I will be ready to work with you to find a frequency of sessions that works for your lifestyle.
Psychologists work within a code of ethics which means they must maintain confidentiality at all times. This means that I cannot tell anybody about what you tell me unless you give me your permission.
However, it is important for you to understand that there are a few exceptions to this rule:
1. If I feel that there is immediate risk to your safety or others2. If your file is subpoenaed by the court I am required to legally send them a scanned copy.
3. All psychologists are required to undergo a number of hours of supervision each year to maintain registration. Your psychologist may discuss your case to ensure provision of the highest quality treatment, however this is always done in a deidentified way (no identifying information is shared) and the supervisor is bound by the same rules of confidentialty.
Other than these reasons, you can trust that all information stays between you and I.